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Daniel P.  Hennelly has resided in Norfolk, Virginia for most of his life.  He recently retired from Old Dominion University where he was an administrator in the Office of Academic Affairs.  During his thirty-six years at ODU, he watched academic life, and it inspired him to write two murder mysteries set at fictional Chesapeake Bay University. Earlier in his career, he rubbed elbows with convicts for two years, giving him insights into the criminal mind.
His first mystery, Fatal Knowledge: A Collegiate Murder Mystery was published in December 2012.  He followed it up with a sequel, Stairway to Death: A Collegiate Murder Mystery published in February 2017. Presently he is working on a noir mystery set in Norfolk in 1940. Norfolk city fathers turned a blind eye to vice as the city burst at the seams with the influx of shipyard workers and sailors. A third book in the Collegiate Murder Mystery series is also in progress.
Slave Against the Galaxy, a science fiction novel was published in December 2019. A sequel, in progress, will complete the saga of Paul Falconer.
Dan attended the College of Willian and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. His wife of thirty-eight years, Mary Bride, is a retired librarian, and they have three adult sons, Daniel, Christian and Liam.  His other interests include cycling, swimming, and deltiology.